Using wearables to monitor deep sleep, REM sleep, and overall sleep quality
Taping the mouth shut during sleep to encourage nasal breathing and improve sleep quality
Wearing special glasses in the evening to improve melatonin production for better sleep
Taking magnesium supplements before bed to promote deeper, more restorative sleep
Avoid caffeine for the first 90 minutes after waking to prevent sleep disruption
15 minutes of red light therapy in the evening to improve sleep quality
Minimize blue light exposure and use dim lights positioned below eye level in the evening
View unfiltered sunlight during sunset to protect against negative effects of bright light at night
Take a warm shower before bed to help lower body temperature for better sleep
Keep the sleeping area about 3 degrees cooler than the surrounding environment for better sleep
Take 900mg of Myo-inositol to potentially increase sleep duration
Use a bright light lamp in the morning if natural sunlight exposure isn't possible
Avoid caffeine after 2 PM to prevent sleep disruption
A sleep schedule with core night sleep and short naps to maximize productivity